Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Part Of a Formal Letter Example

1.      Masthead
Head of letters written completely composed of (a) the name of the institution, (b) the full address, (c) telephone number, (d) a post office box number, and (e) the symbol or logo. In the example above, there are five elements to the masthead. In writing the letter head of the following should be noted.

2.      The date of the letter
Complete written letter dated, the date written with numbers, letters written in capital letters preceded and year written by the numbers. Prior to this date do not include the names of the city, because the city's name is already on the letterhead. After that date no punctuation.

3.      Number, attachments, and letters
The word number, attachment, and it is written with capital letters preceded and followed by a colon (:) are written in accordance with the aesthetically long third word. Words and numbers can be abbreviated attachments calculated consistently with No. and Lamp.
Word attachment or Lamp. followed by a colon (:) and with the number of items attached. The number of items written with letters, not numbers, and do not end with punctuation. Early word stating the number written with a capital letter.

4.      Destination address
In the address to write a letter, the following things need to be considered :
a.       Writing the name of the recipients should be careful and complete in accordance with the habits of the owner's name to write his name.
b.      Name yourself receiving a letter written with a capital letter at the beginning of each element, not all capital letters.
c.       Writing a mailing address must also be accurate, complete, and informative.
d.      To state the name of the honored recipients at the beginning is written Designation. With a capital initial letter is accompanied by periods. The use of the word before the name itself is not required due to an inter-part conjunctive phrase stating direction. Address of the sender is also not necessary to use the word of the states of origin.
e.       Words written with abbreviated Brother, Br., While Mr. and Mrs. words written completely, without abbreviated.

5.      Greeting and closing
An example is the following greeting:
Brother ...,
Dear Mother ...,
In addition there are special greetings,
Assalaamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.,
Greetings Scouts,
Regards Struggle,
Cover the usual greetings are as follows.
Yours sincerely,

6.      Letter (body of the letter)
Broadly speaking, the letter can be grouped into the opening, the contents, and the concluding section.
Examples of the opening section :
a.       On February 5, 2007 we will host a poetry reading competition. Purpose of the race is ...
b.      Listed on your statement to your letter dated January 25, 2007, no. 29/Pr./H/I/2007 will be responsible for the following.
Sample cover part :
a.       Top your attention we would like to thank you.
b.      So our petition. The attention and favor the Father, we thank you.
Examples of writing the concluding paragraph that are not recommended:
a.       For your attention, say thank you.
b.      So please be advised.
c.       Similarly, the attention and cooperation, dihaturkan thousand thanks.

7.      Sending a letter (signature, name of the light, and the office)
Writing a letter sender needs to pay attention to the following :
a.       The name does not need to be written entirely in capital letters, is written with a capital letter on the first letter of each element.
b.      The name does not need to be bracketed, underlined, and not have to end with punctuation.

8.      Copies (if necessary Conditions of writing copy is as follows) :
a.       If you copy more than one, given the serial number of copies.
b.      Parties should be given a copy of the job title or the name of the person, not the name of the agency.
c.       In a carbon copy need not be given Dear or Dear.
In the copies do not need no expression, to report, to be considered, for a consideration, or other expressions that bind. In no need to copy files or Archives expression because every official letter must have a copy.

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